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About Me

I'm Raymond Zhao on the Halls of Fame and Insanity.

I solved the 3^4 when I was 12 years old, and the 3^5 when I was 13.

Solving History of Magic Cube Puzzles


  • Dates are in MMM dd, yyyy format for clarity.
  • Red items are unconfirmed. Empty items in shortest means that I've only done one solve on the puzzle, or that the first solve IS the shortest.

MagicCube4D Puzzles
Puzzle First Shortest
Num Twists Date Num Twists Date
2^4 149 Aug 26, 2014 Unconfirmable
3^4 1398 Jul 16, 2010 474 Jan 26, 2015
4^4 2064 Jul 28, 2010 1894 Sep 9, 2011
5^4 5205 Aug 11, 2010
6^4 8529 Oct 19, 2010
{3,3,3} 3 88 Aug 21, 2012 Unconfirmable
{6}x{4} 3 2943 Nov 18, 2011

MagicCube5D Puzzles
Puzzle First Shortest
Num Twists Date Num Twists Date
2^5 3464 Jan 11, 2015
3^5 6227 Aug 24, 2011

Magic 120-cell Puzzles
Puzzle First Shortest
Num Twists* Date Num Twists* Date
120-cell (120 colours) 20084 Aug 30, 2014

*including 1000-move scramble

MagicTile v1.1 Puzzles
Puzzle First Shortest
Num Twists** Date Num Twists** Date
{6,3} 3 9-colour 528 Mar 14, 2011 325 Mar 16, 2011
{6,3} 3 16-colour 852 Mar 15, 2011
{6,3} 3 25-colour 1166 Mar 15, 2011
{7,3} 3 24-colour 2075 Mar 16, 2011
{8,3} 3 12-colour 930 Mar 16, 2011

**including 160-move scramble

MagicTile v2 Puzzles
Puzzle First Shortest
Num Twists** Date Num Twists** Date


{5}x{4} 3

June 17, 2021

MagicCube4D 3 3 760 {5}x{4} 3
0.024525757582095048 -0.2717908599359419 -0.1449818143922537 -0.9510565120779291
0.0754825168420538 -0.8364862163364015 -0.4462081226246736 0.30901700735423016
0.7328299418875032 0.37054028807987016 -0.5706664272434867 -1.2688802832119356E-16
0.6757670849777845 -0.2985304561417128 0.6739572787769628 -7.726034561936515E-16
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