Main Page
MagicCube 4D
For the the 4-dimensional cube puzzle accomplishments, records, and documentation, see MagicCube4D.
Records (first and shortest)
For First and Shortest check MC4D_Records.
Check amazing pictures in Image_gallery.
Solving tips and ideas for other solutions for 4D puzzles click MC4D_Solutions.
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MagicTile V2
Records (first and shortest)
For First and Shortest check MagicTile_Records.
List of Solvers
For MagicTile v2 Solutions check MagicTile v2 Solutions.
Mathologer Challenge
See the first 100 solvers of the Klein Bottle Rubik's Analogue [here].
Tips and ideas
For solving tips and ideas for MagicTile puzzles click MagicTile aspects.
Magic Puzzle Ultimate
Magic Puzzle Ultimate
Records (first and shortest)
For First and Shortest check MPUlt_Records.
Blindfolded Solving
The rule of a blindfolded solution without macros:
(1) Starting the solve: make a full scramble using any simulator.
(2) Memorization: the solver memorizes the puzzle without making any twist. The solver may change the viewpoint to inspect the whole puzzle. The solver must not take notes (per WCA regulations).
(3) Put on "blindfold": Preferences > Modes > Blindfold
(4) During the solve: now the solver may make twists.
(5) Ending the solve: a successful solution ends automatically. The duration of the solution includes both the memorization phase and the solving phase.
The rule of a blindfolded solution with macros:
As same as the rule without macros, except: before step (1) the solver may define macros, and during step (4) the solver may use the predefined macros.
Check BLD_Records.
Puzzle Index
Find permutation counts of every puzzle with explanations in Permutations_Index.
For a description of the notation used in the permutation count explanations, visit Permutations_Notation.
Physical Puzzle
Ever since the virtual hypercube programs were invented, people have wanted Physical Puzzles to actually play with in real life. The first one of these was Melinda Green's Physical 2x2x2x2, conceptualized in 2014 and mass produced in 2021. By far the most popular puzzle (due to only 1 of each of the other puzzles existing 💀), people speedsolve it. Check out these links below for more information:
For different solving methods, visit Physical 2^4 Methods.
For speedsolving records, visit Physical 2^4 Records, but make sure to be familiar with the Canonical Moves first.
Grant's Puzzles
Grant designed and 3D printed his own puzzles based on Melinda's 2x2x2x2 piece design. He made a 2x2x2x3, 2x2x3x3, 2x3x3x3, and the holy grail, the 3x3x3x3.
For more information on Grant's puzzles, visit Grant's Physical 4d Puzzles